My Approach

I have spent almost my entire life in the Midwest. Here, in the changing of the seasons, we are familiar with watching green turn to gold. Early green shoots in the spring support bright yellow daffodils. Lush green foliage through the summer turns to radiant yellow by fall. Sturdy green stalks of corn rows hide yellow cobs come fall harvest.

I was in my freshman year of high school English when I learned about green space and golden ideas. My teacher explained that green space (a.k.a. the plot of the story) is the fertile ground in which we can find life lessons and meaningful truth about ourselves and the world. These life truths are what he called golden ideas. When he taught us to read books by finding green space and golden ideas, he taught us to read our personal stories the same way.

I believe therapy is a special way to travel through the green spaces of your life so you can reveal and gather your own gold. EMDR, Internal Family Systems and Trauma-Informed Narrative Therapy are the most common tools I use to help clients enter into their green space. The green spaces of our stories can be the most painful, challenging, unfair and unjust times in our lives, and they are also times where truth is most commonly buried. Through therapy, my hope is to support you as you dig and till your own green spaces until you harvest your gold-the truth about you and your story that will set you free.

Let’s connect.